Breast Reduction

Most women face the discomfort with large breast and look for the possible solution to make them reduced or can say in proper shape with the complete physique. Breast reduction in Delhi is the most applied surgery to get the smaller, lighter and firmer breast shape to suit the full body shape. This treatment ensures reduction in the breast fat, glandular tissue and extra skin that makes the breasts heavy. It also helps in reducing the size of the areola surrounding the nipples. This procedure is designed to give a sigh of relief to the patient suffering from disproportionate breast posing discomfort to the patient with its body type.

Procedure: The breast reduction surgery in Delhi is mainly used to clear off the sagged skin from the breasts but it also helps in gaining a beautiful shape for long time. The surgery is performed using local anesthesia after which incisions are made and excess fat tissues are removed from the breasts. Most of the times, the lifting procedure is followed to bring back the positions of the areola and nipples. This is mainly done when the patient is suffering from sagged skin due to excessive weight loss. Also, in most cases, liposuction is used in coordination with breast reduction procedure to remove the excess fat accumulated in the armpit area.

Duration & Longevity: Normally, the breast reduction surgeon in Delhi takes around 2-4 hours to bring back the perfect shape to the breast. The cosmetic procedure done on the breast brings permanent results. However, the result may wary person to person depending upon hormonal shifts, weight changes or pregnancy conditions.

Post surgical effects: Minor swelling and bruising may occur after the treatment which fades away within few weeks. Breast will get back to normal shape after a period of 6 months. Patients are advised to avoid lifting of objects for about 3-4 weeks. Normal activities can be approached after 2 weeks.

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